the more i talk to u, all the more i feel Ur here beside me...
the more i listen to all those songs that talk about U, the more i want to see U...
Y did i waste all of my days missing out all these wonderful feeling i have 4 u now...
Y didn't i juz start to read the bible since last year,
i would have been sooo much closer to u tiz year & could have skipped all those mistakes i've done in the past...
Y did u place us in this earth daddy,
wouldn't it have saved u all the pain if u juz didn't create us..
U could have juz created 1 Human & showed all the Love & care U've showed to us now to that 1 person...
or Y place us in this earth! u could have juz created us & keep us there with u in Heaven...
Y give us a choice daddy.. Wouldn't it be easier is u juz ask us to do something & make us do it..
Y send ur son 2000 years ago & then take Him back & make us to wait again for His return!!
Wouldn't it would have been best if U juz took us all along when u took Him...
Y place us here in this earth & make us learn & wait when u can juz give the wisdom to us now & work immediately..
Y u make urself invisible & speak in a still small voice when u can show the whole world how Big & powerful U r & when u can speak in a voice that can make the whole world tremble...
Y u want us to preach to others when U urself can make them Believe in You...
Y choose to show how powerful u are through working in our lifes when u can still show how GREAT & WONDERFUL U r juz by letting us see U...
when we see u, we can see ur glory!! if we see u, we couldn't possibly stand against u...
who can still say that u r not God after seeing u!!! but they did... 2000 years ago, when u came as son of god.. they didn't believe u!!
if i were there too, i would still not know if i would accept u or reject u... only u would have known...
so many of these question swimming in my head & thinks izzit that the best way!!!
Y go through all these trouble!!
but still again daddy, Ur ways R beyond my thoughts!!
Wat we may think is Best may turn out to be the worst!!
U know how to make all things end up Good....
U never make mistakes...
but u girl still wonders..
Y again u dun give me understanding in all this matters!!!
Speak Daddy, Ur little girl longs to hear from U!!!
ur girl wonders how would ur expression be as u read this letter!!
R u smiling ? R u crying?
Come on God, SHow Me!!!

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