Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking Back

As i was looking back on my past and things i've achieved and struggled so far,
He was always there...

There were one point in my life, that i was frustrated that i could not hear or recognize the voice of God,
But now i can see that, He was speaking and leading me every step and all this years...

from the very time that i can remember, i.e. from 5-7 years old, up till now when i'm going to turn 21,
He's seal has always been there and i can confidently declare that it was all HIM!

Before i went through anything, Joy or Sorrow,
He warned me ahead of time...
and of all this, the best part was, THAT I HEARD HIM MYSELF...
not through other people, but Him speaking Directly to Me... ^_^

I'm Glad and at the same time, can't wait to see what awaits me in the future....

Jesus was always there to come to my rescue, and will always be there
And He can be there for you too... :)

Jesus is Lord over Saving Grace

Saving Grace is the name of my church by the way.... :)

My church has been facing it's own obstacles and struggles for the past two years....
But of the many things that had happened, one thing that i cannot tolerate is when one thinks that the church would not run without them....

What is the purpose of going to Church?
is it to prove to one another who i better then whom, or to simply go to Worship & Serve our King..,?

Who should be the center of attention of them all?
God himself or just mere people?

And of all things, when we give unto God, we should always remeber that, we are giving not for men to see, but as a sign of thankfullness and gratefullness for all the things that God has done for us...

i personally believe that church is never a place for competion, but rather a place where we come together as one body and one Heart to sing and give praise to our Lord's name...

And church is never build upon how rich the members are, but are bulit upon Jesus, OUR FIRM FOUNDATION... God sometimes uses the rich or the poor to help in expanding the church on earth, but at the end of the day, when all things fail, God can still provide for his Church with or without the help of people...

Just like in the scripture that says, when men fail to praise and worship God, He can make even the Rock to Cry out and sing prasies to His Name....

Likewise, Even if people are not there to provide, God can Provide SUPERNATUALLY....

Of all these years, i looked backed over my life, i can see that God was there in the mist of it all (in all the things i've faced). and He is and always will be there guiding and leading me through every step of the way...

When God is for us, Who then can be against us,
and if God has opened up the door for us, then who can ever shut the door that He has opened...

I serve a GREAT & WONDERFUL God....
Trust in the Lord with all Your heart,, and lean not in your own understanding...
in all your ways, you acknowledge Him, & He will make your paths straight... :)