have been feeling down lately!
things that i have been feeding my heart with lately:-
* Love Story Book!
* Romance Movie!
* Facebook!
* Gossips!
Whatever i sow! that's what i reap rite...!!
have all this crazy idea of Having a boyfriend now...
it may be normal 4 many, but not 4 me!
i mean, i am usually a gal who rather Waits then 2 rush 2any RELATIONSHIPS! If possible, don't think about any relationship now... it can wait!
but u see!!! things i have been dwelling on lately has shown its effect on me!!
1of the fantasy's i've been having... is 4 my future guy to be my gud friend NOW!! Bring him to youth meetings & get to know him even now...
well yes... so.. had been talking to Two Of my guy frenz regarding tiz matter!!
guy no.1 said... Well yes, u have a hard heart for God! May be difficult but juz wait, God will show u ur guy!!
guy no.2 said... Lame!! Don't WASTE YOUR TIME on Love right now.. Your real love will come later!!
well yeah! now as i think about it!! I MEAN I CAN'T!!! If the guy is in my church right now.. Think i will not go to church 4 the right reason anymore!!
i will loose my focus!!
will be trying harder to please my guy than my God....
well, THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!! I can never let any1 to take God's place in my heart!!
im still young... still got lotz to learn!!! if there's a distraction b4 me, how am i going to learn...
i may simply miss whatever God WANTS TO TEACH ME!!!
haih... another thing that i have forgotten is that, i was hoping 4 a guy to come along to be on my side, to be overly protective over me!! HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT JESUS IS ALREADY THERE PROTECTING ME!! ALWAYS ON MY SIDE EVEN WHEN IM ASLEEP!! He's watching over me!!!
what more can i ask.... THE PERFECT GUY IS ALREADY BESIDE ME!!!
Haih haih... how could i have ever forgotton!! & i have let all these silly thoughts to swim around in my mind 4 two days!!! I HAVE INDEED WASTED MY TIME!!!
Listen to the Voice of TRUTH, not to the voices in ur heart!!
holding back to my principle!!
i am asked to SOAR ON WINGS LIKE EAGLE!! I'm not going to wonder around like a CHICKEN!!

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