i actually don't know what's my passion is....
Sis Penny (My church's pastor's wife) was asking my sister what is her passion..
& she said, she has a passion 4 young people.... she wants to learn up all she can & reach out to young people.. =)
then she asked me... What's My Passion... Do You have burden 4 anything or anyone...
then i said.... NO!! all i know is i want to do something 4 God...
-- Now i Wonder--
so where am i heading to...?
i've seen many young people have such burning desire in them ...
another person i know of is CHI MEI FEN.. another person who has this FIRE to save as many souls as possible....
but to be honest... I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE DESIRE 2 REACH OUT!!! : [
need to find my purpose in life soon...
coz i'm not getting any younger...
i keep on telling God let me move faster...
i want 2 be on the GO 4 Him when im still young where i can give alot of my strength
if im older, my strength is limited...
need to give my all 2 Him
i don't want to be of those who regret later in d future about Can't Do More 4 God
i want to do all i can 4 God now while i still can....
but do what!!
what is my call!!
a scripture that comes to my mind at the moment :
He directs the heart of the Kings like a water cores wherever He pleases... =)

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