All Three of us met again.... ^_^
Choy Siew May!! Alison Wok Li Jin!! & ME!! haha...
we 1st planned to go to Jusco to watch movie, but then SM wanted to go 4 sports day in SMK ST MARY, & she wanted us to accompany her too... lol... so Fine!! As much as i don't like to be under the Sun, I just decided to accompany her... Didn't want her to go alone do i... haha...
So after the Sports day, We made our journey to Jusco... Travelled in Bus Then Took a Cab from Selayang Mall... Grace came along of course... haha... then we mey Siew Hui Straight in Jusco....
We went Walking Around Jusco, into Popular (SM bought a Book), Sat down & talk... then entered in Jonny's Restaurant to have our lunch.... We ate & chat in there 4 a long time... Entered into the Restaurant at 2pm & came out about 4.15pm.... lol....
Siew May Never Changed!!! lol... She and her same old self... and always with her Jocks.... haha..........
Alie on the other hand is looking more & more like Adeline .... haha.....
After eating, we went into a SHOE STORE! ^_^ Alie began to go and try out many of the shoes there.... lol...
After a while, we had to go... SM is songleading in her church today, So she had to get ready... Alie, Grace & I travelled back together to Selayang Mall... Alie then bought a swimming goggle & then hopped on the bus & went back home.... Later Grace & I hang around 4 about an hour there, then went to cut our hair.... haha... Yup!! I cut my hair Think i look much better now...^_^
All in all, it was good get-together... We had a fun time sharing Experiences in College & how God is Working & Moving in our Lives...
When i am among this group of friend... i Again Feel THANKFUL to God 4 letting them to be part of my life... Wonder how i would have ended up if i didn't mix around with them...
Maybe would have been the SAME OLD SHY, QUIET & TIMID GAL...
haha.... Thank God 4 a good day... =)

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