& B'coz i went, ALL my 3 Sisters had to follow me... (The Advantage of being the elder sister... lol... ^_^)
Had a great time today.... haha... liked it coz i was able to play the guitar & lead the worship there today....
It was at the very last minute that i was asked to songlead, but praise God everything went well despite the fact that i had to play without a PICK!!!
haha.... at the end of everything.. Realized i broke my nails for strumming so hard... haha....
it felt Good to be among Young people & just be still before God & Speak in Tongues.... =)
At the moment, Mellissa Lina is very excited because she will be attending a Mission School in my uncle's church; Putera Aman Assembly ... From the 17th-21st of March 2010... ^.^
My uncle said, These speakers who's speaking in this Sessions, People have to pay thousands if they were to hear them in BCM.... But here, will only be paying RM25.... haha.... who would want to miss it!!!!
But most of all, i'm excited 4 the Revival Service that they r going to have during one of the night... yeah yeah....
i will be away from home, Staying in my uncle's house & will be travelling from there to work using 3 Different Transportation... haha....
Can't wait to hear what all those Speakers from US & NZ has to say to us....
But still, too bad i have to miss next week's LYPG since i will be still in Serdang....
Hence, Praise God that He Made Way 4 me to Attend this Course.... hehe....... =D

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