Feel like want to just lie against UR Chest & never wake up!!
Where else can i find such peace than to just be with U...
Im in Your hand Papa...
Watever Happens, Let it Happen!
Coz i know that ur still in control...
My heart is going Hard! Changing everyday! & have this feeling that im Drawing away from U
Don't let me too...U know me better than I know myself ! Even if i let Go, U please dun let GO!! Please draw me back & Hide me under ur Wings where i may Find Peace beyond all understanding...
Am i a Hypocrite? Do i not mean what i say...? Am i just All Words, But no Action...?
Haih Daddy... I dun want to be one of those who be very "Holy Holy" now but Backslide from u in the future...
I want to be one who goes on Hard & Strong 4U....
Please Grant me back my passion & desire 4U...
Nothing in this world matters when i have U...
Help me to live my days 4U
Help me not to forget U
Help me to talk to U consistently
Help me to read the bible everyday
Help me to be a Good Testimony at Home
Help me to be more like u everyday....
For without UR help, im HELPLESS
Went to FGA Selayang today 4 Local Youth Prayer Gathering...
& B'coz i went, ALL my 3 Sisters had to follow me... (The Advantage of being the elder sister... lol... ^_^)
Had a great time today.... haha... liked it coz i was able to play the guitar & lead the worship there today....
It was at the very last minute that i was asked to songlead, but praise God everything went well despite the fact that i had to play without a PICK!!!
haha.... at the end of everything.. Realized i broke my nails for strumming so hard... haha....
it felt Good to be among Young people & just be still before God & Speak in Tongues.... =)
At the moment, Mellissa Lina is very excited because she will be attending a Mission School in my uncle's church; Putera Aman Assembly ... From the 17th-21st of March 2010... ^.^
My uncle said, These speakers who's speaking in this Sessions, People have to pay thousands if they were to hear them in BCM.... But here, will only be paying RM25.... haha.... who would want to miss it!!!!
But most of all, i'm excited 4 the Revival Service that they r going to have during one of the night... yeah yeah....
i will be away from home, Staying in my uncle's house & will be travelling from there to work using 3 Different Transportation... haha....
Can't wait to hear what all those Speakers from US & NZ has to say to us....
But still, too bad i have to miss next week's LYPG since i will be still in Serdang....
Hence, Praise God that He Made Way 4 me to Attend this Course.... hehe....... =D
Last Night after work, went & visit my uncle who was admitted in Hospital...
Didn't actually thought that i would feel anything... But as i entered inside the Hospital's room...
saw my uncle lying there on the bed... as i saw him... i began to cry... my dad was there beside me looking towards him... i started praying, and tears began to flow down my cheek even more...
i hvn't been feeling this much of compassionate for a lost soul as this much...
as i saw my dad staring at him, I told him as i was wiping my tears off... i told my dad to pray & ask God not to take this uncle away without giving us the assurance that he will be with God in heaven....
Guess my dad knew i was being silly.... lol.... i mean, now that i think about it... i was acting like a little gal...
But haih.... as i was telling God, if my 1 prayer does make a difference for this uncle's salvation...
Then i'll be there praying & crying out for this uncle...
He suffered enough on earth.. He don't deserve to suffer eternally in Hell too...
Yup... After a looooong Time,,,,,,,,,,,,
All Three of us met again.... ^_^
Choy Siew May!! Alison Wok Li Jin!! & ME!! haha...
we 1st planned to go to Jusco to watch movie, but then SM wanted to go 4 sports day in SMK ST MARY, & she wanted us to accompany her too... lol... so Fine!! As much as i don't like to be under the Sun, I just decided to accompany her... Didn't want her to go alone do i... haha...
So after the Sports day, We made our journey to Jusco... Travelled in Bus Then Took a Cab from Selayang Mall... Grace came along of course... haha... then we mey Siew Hui Straight in Jusco....
We went Walking Around Jusco, into Popular (SM bought a Book), Sat down & talk... then entered in Jonny's Restaurant to have our lunch.... We ate & chat in there 4 a long time... Entered into the Restaurant at 2pm & came out about 4.15pm.... lol....
Siew May Never Changed!!! lol... She and her same old self... and always with her Jocks.... haha..........
Alie on the other hand is looking more & more like Adeline .... haha.....
After eating, we went into a SHOE STORE! ^_^ Alie began to go and try out many of the shoes there.... lol...
After a while, we had to go... SM is songleading in her church today, So she had to get ready... Alie, Grace & I travelled back together to Selayang Mall... Alie then bought a swimming goggle & then hopped on the bus & went back home.... Later Grace & I hang around 4 about an hour there, then went to cut our hair.... haha... Yup!! I cut my hair again...lol... Think i look much better now...^_^
All in all, it was good get-together... We had a fun time sharing Experiences in College & how God is Working & Moving in our Lives...
When i am among this group of friend... i Again Feel THANKFUL to God 4 letting them to be part of my life... Wonder how i would have ended up if i didn't mix around with them...
Maybe would have been the SAME OLD SHY, QUIET & TIMID GAL...
haha.... Thank God 4 a good day... =)
It has been a long time since i've updated my blog....
haha... till Juan had to tell me to update it... lol... well, at least it was good to know at least 1 person is reading my blog... if this blog makes a difference in 1 person's lives, I don't mind continuing it for that 1 person...
Thatz 1 of the reason why i like my job at the moment...
The floor im working in at the moment in Great Eastern Tower; all the temporary staffs works there...
They placed us in the 3rd floor coz there weren't enough place up there on the 4th floor for the 4 of us.... (This is not the reason why i like my job though)
The reason why i like tiz job now is because I can make a difference in this 3 other staff who works together with me... They are all 18 Years old, Finished SPM & Waiting for their result...
Let me tell u something about them...
None of them are CHRISTIAN! Im the only ONE there...
All of them are involved in a RELATIONSHIP now...
of course during the 1st week of work, i was complaining to God, For putting me among this type of people.. when i 1st began, i get frustrated when i see them talking about that all the time... i even wanted to plug in the EARPHONE in the computer & turn on the music to full BLAST!!!
aS wEEks WenT BY, I BEgan TO sEE WHy gOD wANTED me To Be Here...
SHARed wiTH THEM mY pRICipleS and StandinGS iN Life....
BelIEVe IT or Not, THese 3 18 year old; 2 girls & 1 Guy, they began to open up to me... telling me everything they've done in the past & even ask me for advise in relationships...
nowdays, WhENevER it Strikes 4 pm, they'll come over to my table & we'll begin to discuss...
One of the thing that has touched me the most is tiz... as we were talking about relationships & guys...
I was sharing with them about my standings and beliefs in life... 'That i wouldn't want to fall for any1... that i would want my guy to be special juz for me...(i mean, every gal would rather want a guy who never been in other relationships before. its like im the only one & will always be the only one for him... if u can understand what i mean... haha...) & So i would want to be special for Him too!' thatz one of the reason why im not involved in any relationship at the moment btw.... Good Guys or Gals in life doesn't come to you Easily & Quickly.... IT REQUIRES TIME & PATIENCE!!
haha.... so as i was sharing tiz wit them... the guy there actually said... 'WOW!!! I Hope that i'll get a wife like you someday...' and the other girl said,'Wah, Im the total opposite of u... ur very good...' THERE!! AT THAT MOMENT!!! i knew that wat i said had an impact in their live!!
Eversince then, our discussion has never been the same.... This people will start a Discussion Topic, & would WANT TO KNOW my point of view on each matter... haha...
and as i speak to them... i've learnt to rely on God's Wisdom and for the Holy Spirit to Speak to them through me... everytime they'd ask me a question... i've learnt not to rush into giving them an answer, But 1st make a silent prayer within my heart to God to Lead me & guide me even as i speak...
Michelle (My Sis) told this phrase once, & it glued on my mind ever since then...
That God will make a way that, even among the darkness, God will make 1 person to stand as a Shining Light among the Darkness... =)