to be honest, didn't feel like going at first.. tought wanted to just stay home & rest since i was not feeling that well...
but then my Youth Leader was a little dissapointed of having to go there alone.. hehe... so yeah... dicided to accompany him.. What is a Assistant Youth Leader if im not there for him right,... lol..
And Gosh...! what a meeting it turned out to be... the speaker asked all those who have a burden in their hearts NOW! to come to the center of the circle... & YES I went in too... didn't know what was that weird feeling i was having in my heart but wasn't trying to figure it out... juz stepped out in faith beliving it was the Holy Spirit's work...
the moment i went to the center... Tears began to flow down my cheeks... Didn't know y i was crying either... Began to speak in tongue, & then my body began to shake Vibrantly... I couldn't control it as usual... so juz continues to speak in tongue... MY Sis Michelle came by my side to hold on to me...
the Entire time every1 was CRYING SCREAMING & PRAYING.... the term used here is "TRAVAILING"(at least that's what the speaker said)
haha... i had a fun time & was so gald i decided to go for that meeting, eventhough my Body ached for the next two days... haha..... See how Pysicaly Fit i am... =D haha...
but yup yup... am so glad i went, if not i would have missed it!!!