then a reply came from another friend of mine... "Tak best la... tak ada sesiapa yang akan tujuk kasih kepada kite..."
alrite.... listen up... i aint going to talk about how fun or cool having a partner will be!!
it might be! im not saying its not.... all i know is that right now THAT STUFF is NOT IMPORTANT!!! =p
as soon as the reply came from the other friend of mind... this image came into my mind...
young people nowadays r depending too much on their partner!!
They expect their boyfren of galfren to be around when certain things happen to them...
now.... IMAGINE THIS...
U r falling from the sky & u r afraid of how u r going to crash down.. n when u look down, u see ur boyfren/galfren looking up to u n stretching out his or her hand to catch u... & there u r, when u saw ur guy/gal standing there to catch ya, u feel safe! But right then when u r about to touch the ground, the guy/gal walk off...(y he/she walks off can be an entirely a different issue...)
at that moment, can u imagine how u'll feel... There's NO ONE 2 CATCH U!!!
The person u have trusted so much has abandoned u at the very last minute!!!
& at that moment when all hope is lost, U SEE URSELF LAYING SAFELY IN God's HAND!!!
THERE!!! Thatz the beauty part of this story...
i figured that young people nowadays (including me) is hoping & puting their trust on other people too much that they FORGET bout the ONLY PERSON whom we can ALWAYS TRUST TO CATCH US WHEN WE FALL!!!
nowadays, we loose hope or break down if we see our frenz walk off when we're feeling down!!
we cry (or at least me) saying no one understands me when THERE IS ALREADY SOME1 WHO UNDERSTANDS U & I MORE THAN WE UNDERSTAND OURSELVES!!!
We search for people to be there with us till the end but we 4GET bout the GOD who stands with us 4EVER!!
Hey, let ur look beyond the galfrenz/boyfrenz... as u fell like ur falling & r going to crash, look down & see that even if ur frenz can't be there 4 u... There is a God who will never even Blink HIS Eyes or take His eyes off u till u land safely in His Palm, so He can hide u under His Arms and keep u safe Once Again...
Simply Remember, that even if Men fail u, GOD WILL NEVA FAIL U!!!
Have a nice people =)

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