since its public holz... 1 day of break, and we had to clean up the House... WITH MY BRO!!!!! =.=
Did i ever mention that my bro likes to keep the house CLEAN & SPOTLESS!!! =.=
Can be a great husband in the future 4 the future wife but right now, ITS TORTURING 4the four sisters!!!
We started off at 10am and ended the whole cleaning session at about 2PM!!! (He din allow us to take a break even) Imagine that, That boy can clean!!!
But......... hehe... here's the thing, HE DIN ALLOW ME to do much work like all my other sis... the rest were BULLIED TO THE MAX unlike ME!!! hehe.... even when i said i'll do, he juz gave me minor works to do... hehe... SOMETIMES IT FEELS GREAT 2B MY BRO's FAVORITE LITTLE SIS!!!! But of course, who wouldn't compare rite... the whole time, Grace was doing her cores, She was frequently asking bck my bro, ''What Job Did U give Mellissa??'' haha... but yea yea... i helped my bro too... Just that i din do as much as the rest.... haha... ^_^
Well, throughout the cleaning time, it brought me back to the old time... haha... ONCE HIM (My Bro) & I use to be CAT & DOG!!! we bought can fight man!!! he'll come after me to hit me & i'll run after him to hit him back with something in my hand... (something as in: Hanger, Belt, Stick, Broom even sometimes.... lol....)
yea... WE WERE THAT BAD!!! hahaha..... Sometimes, he'll hit me sooo hard that i'll juz sit down there and cry till my dad will have to come to WHACK HIM!!! and as usual he'll run away & hide till everything cools down...hehe...
BUT NOW!!!! IM HIS PET!!! haha.... & I LIKE IT!!!! i can get away with many things that my sis can't get away with... & i can make my bro laugh easily... hehe.... (Trust me, IT AINT EASY TO MAKE HIM LAUGH!! SOMETIMES my sis will end up getting scolding while trying to make him laugh...) =p
But today was good, i asked my bro to take us out 4 McD after we had cleaned up.... & he did, (JUST D 5 OF US!!!) But we couldn't eat there so we bought it back home....!! while the 4 ladies (My sis & i) were out shopping in Selayang Mall, my bro was resting peacefully in the car!!! for about 2 hours i think!!! hehe.....
Who knew my bro was such a patient man!!! haha... he din even blow up!!! he was just sitting there listenning to music...
Guess he knew...,
after a loooooooooooong day of cleaning, the gals only deserve to have fun!!!!
Thank God for a good day....
But still, the day hvn't end yet... The whole Youth Group is going to Angeline's house to pay her a ''VISIT''!!!
Cn't wait!!!!!!!!!! =D