My gUY mUz bE FoUnD At ThE WeLL!!!
hmm... well being a teenager,
a girl or a guy will or will always think about having Galfren
Or A Guyfren!!
but im juz going to hang around the "WELL"!!!
WAT WELL??? haha..
well according to the B.I.B.L.E...
Abraham found Sarah at the WELL!
Jacob found Racheal at the WELL!
Moses found Ziporah at the WELL!
where is this modern day "WELL"???
ThE cHuRcH oF CoUrSE!!!
those days People went to the well to be refreshed & get some water to quanch their thirst!!
not only that.. but if u know the book of ACTS very well, even PAUL PREACHED TO SOME WOMENS AT THE WELL!!
nowdays, people go to church to be REFRESHED in GOD n get our spiritual food there... =)
well i dun wan to meet my future GROOM TO BE in anywhere but in church!!!
im serious...
God dun let me meet MY DEAR GUY anywhere but in church!!
not necessarry muz be in my own church but
lEt It bE In a ChUrCh!!! (Assembly Of God of course) =)
i'll hold on to the motto:
My hOpE Is NoT in The MaRRiAgE bUt My HOPE iS iN tHE ONE wHo MaKeS It HaPpEn!!!
My hOpE Is In yOU O GoD!!
I'Ll tRUsT iN yOU!!!
I'VE gOt No WoRRiEsS =)