As I sit down quietly to listen to your voice, The more I realize how much I've missed You
I'm probably the worst when it comes to expressing my love
But the best thing about You is that I don't have to try too hard
Even before a word comes out of my mouth,
You know it completely oh Lord
And as I ponder back and see how far You've hath brought me,
All I want to say is a simple 'Thank You'
Thank you for being there ever since I could remember.
When the journey gets hard,
When it gets tough,
The only consistent person that I can see/feel by my side is You
Thank you for not being far from me
Thank you that You're always a person that I can rely on
And I Thank You for Your faithfulness towards me
It is without a doubt I will proclaim,
That all I am & all that I have become is because of You.
And although I am still a little afraid of what the future may bring forth
I'm still afraid of what I may have to face/overcome
I guess I'll continue doing what I do best;

Wherever I need to go
Whatever I still need to become,
I Rely on You completely to continue to show me the way
All I want to do is to flow like the watercourse,
Wherever Thee leadeth.
Yours Beloved,
~Mellissa Lina Mosses ~