Have so many question to ask Him about my birth date itself... wat more my other questions im waiting to ask Him face to face!
Tiz year were not in much of 'Celebrating My Birthday' mode!
When i opened my eyes that morning, decided to close it back coz IT WAS THE DAY!
Didn't want to go through my Birth Date today!
woke up with a sigh & eventually got off my bed thinking 'What would God think, seeing His own child being sad on her birthday!'
I guess this year I didn't had any reason to celebrate! or at least i couldn't think of any!
Am still in the Road to Figuring Myself! To discover Who am i Yet to be!
Still.... Thank God 4 the day... though i didn't want to celebrate! We still did! thanks to my Family...
I was glad that i could be in THE HOUSE OF GOD during my BIRTHDAY!
went to Bible Study! & later went to McD all the way in Bangsar coz my parents saw me being so quiet!!
lol.... though din expect much, God still gave me much!
Received a very B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L Gown from my mum! Can't wait to wear it & Show OFF with it... (hehe)
and some amount of $$ from my Dad!
hmm... but at the end of the day, Think i made my God a little sad Coz of my attitude towards His own Creation!
But keep telling myself! That im not saying tht God made a mistake! Its just that i need a reason to celebrate!
& He needs to show me more clearer Reasons Y i Need to Celebrate!!

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