The thoughts were never the same
This year I thank thee my Lord, for the sacrifice You made
For Your willingness to die for me, a worthless servant
For Your willingness to take those hitting and shame, which should have been mine
To think that You were on the cross FOR ME!
Makes me think,
It's not worth it... its just me...
a sinner who keeps falling back to her old ways...
a worthless servant which don't deserve the kind of love You're showing her
You did it...
You were hanging on the cross for me...
You chose to receive all those pain and humiliation for my sake...
when you were in pain & while You were hanging on the cross,
You thought of me...
Though Your servant knows that she is not worth of thy Love
But from the bottom of my hearts, I THANK THEE
i thank Thee for thy sacrifice
For without what You did for me,
I would't have had a special friend like You whom i can call 'ABBA FATHER'
For without what You did for me,
I wouldn't have had You by my side always... to whom i can always have Hope & i can hold on too..
Your servant praise Thee O God,
For You alone deserve it...
For You are such a Great God who loves Your creation Unfailingly & Unconditionally....