Thursday, July 09, 2009


A woman has strength that amazes men...
She can handle trouble & carry heavy burdens...
she holds happiness, love & opinions...

she smiles when she feels like screaming
she sings when she feels like crying
cries when she's happy & laughs when she's afraid

her love is unconditional!

There's only one thing wrong with her...
she sometimes forgets what she is worth...

(my mummy sms'ed tiz to me :D)

as i was writting tiz down, i remembered what my sisters learnt in their CF...

last time, the Guys were the HUNTERS, & the Girls were HUNTED...
nowdays, The Girls are the HUNTERS & the Guys R the one who's being HUNTED... =.=

Oh Gosh... Did all woman has forgotten HOW MUCH THEY WORTH...

Juz remember...
Womans can't be bought with anything...

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Teh Ais vs Mat Minachis

i played my 1st FOOTBALL GAME yesterday
wit my UTAR GENG ^^ (Juz tht it was INDOOR, so its call THE FUDSTAL GAME :D)

It was fun while it lasted... we played only 4 1 hour but every1 was sweating so madly man... even ME!! (u c, its not easy 4 me to sweat.. but yesterday... Oh Gosh... Thank God i brought an Extra clothes)

THE GUD NEWS: my team won!! THE TEH AIS TEAM!!! YAY!! haha... 7/2... not bad kan... These 2 guys in the pic was our Goal keeper.. Each guy took 1 team... so the Chinese Guy, LINUS was on our side! & Seenu was on the Minachi's side... :D

THE BAD NEWS: i didn't score any of the goals... haha.. (i practically chased the ball & sometimes made the ball fly..! the goal was right in
front, i kicked! and the ball flew over the Goal fance... :D haha... ever1 was laughing man!! wat to do kan.. my 1st time in my whole life!! CAN'T BLAME ME!! ^^)

Our top player in our team was AZRIN!! The MU fan.. :D she scored 4 out of the 7 goals...

& after the game.. WAT ELSE... GO MAKAN IN
SP Conner la.. each attacked something...
i couldn't EAT.. I DRANK 300 PLUS... (can believe it.. i drank 3 cans of 100 plus & FINISHED IT ALL... haha...)

Linus attacked the PAPADEM, Seenu attacked the NASI LEMAK DOUBLE, & Juan attacked the Maggi Curry Sup (wanted to take picture oso she was busy eating...^^)
after makan, we had other class.. so went separate ways...
but can u see the UNITY BETWEEN THE GENG... haha... b'coz of UTAR's new system... our timetable is not the same for all anymore...

but dispite of thiz matter...

every1 still make tym to meet up, play & chit-chat... ^^

IT'S COOL... I like being in their presence... :)